Fatherhood…Part 2



I was asked to help lay a concrete path today, it was over at my mother’s home and would take most of the day. Joe (13) had asked if he could come and help, which seemed like a good idea to me, and would give Sarah a bit of a break. Just to be fair to David (10) I suggested that after we had done the pathway, I would go and collect him and we could fire up the Ozpig and cook lunch outside, which pleased him too. After nearly three hours of laying concrete it was time to collect David, now, I’ve not had both the youngest boys on my own too often, they can be a real handful, and I sometimes still feel a bit new to this fatherhood lark, and I sometimes feel like a rabbit caught in the headlights! I’d impressed on them the need to be on their best behaviour, but it turned out that I needn’t have worried, Whilst I was collecting David, my mum and Joe had baked a cake and got the Ozpig barbecue started. David and I arrived and David immediately took over and started cooking burgers, only one burger ended up on the grass! After lunch we had a great fun afternoon, we played Boules, played with the ancient Swingball, and ran around the garden shooting each other with Nerf guns. Joe’s remote control car was a great success too, there was hardly any bickering or fighting, and no one got punched!

All in all we had a lovely day, there was very little arguing and the boys had some time apart, which is good for them both, and we had no television, no Wii, no Nintendo DS‘s and no computers which for them makes a change. Both boys had to think for themselves and keep themselves amused, which they proved that they can do, they also had to be careful around the barbecue, obviously, they were supervised at all times, but they still had to think for themselves. David did a good job cooking the burgers, and Joe’s cake was superb. At about 5.30 we had to head off home, having had a nice day, and even being invited back! the boys were good in the car, and then within 10 minutes of getting home it was business as usual with shouting and fighting! Oh well! it was great while it lasted, and Sarah got a bit of a break!

Smiley face

Smiley face

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  1. Pingback: Fatherhood- Happy Father’s Day from How to be Swell | How to be Swell

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